
Professional Advising

Professional Advising


Academic advisors provide students individualized attention and serve as mentor figures to support students’ growth, needs, and goals.  The professional advisors are all-in-one guides; from developing a graduation plan to connecting with vital campus resources or finding their way at the university, students’ academic advisors will be their most consistent supporters at Lindenwood and beyond.

Success Coaching

Professional Advisors double as Success Coaches for all Lindenwood students and are available to form a supportive and coaching relationship with students. Success coaching can help with the transition to college living, development of learning strategies (such as time management, goal setting, study habits, and exam preparation). Professional Advisors serve as success coaches for all students within the programs they advise, even if they are not the student's academic advisor.

Students can schedule a meeting time via LindenCircle or by emailing the success coach for their program.

If a student is unsure which success coach supports their program, they can review the Advisor Assignments or contact the Director of Professional Advising, Dr. Kevin Manley, at 636-627-2944 or

Meet Our Advisors

Centers & Institutes